Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Colors Changing

Today in Science class we have explored the color changing by using water. The materials we used were pieces of paper, markers, and containers filled with water. The procedure was, first we had to fill up the containers with water but just a little (Probably about a centimeter or 2) When we got done with that we took small pieces of paper and drew a dot of a random color that we had. Afterwards, we put that piece of paper into that container, but in a special position we have placed the piece of paper so the water climbs on it. After we have placed the paper we take out the paper and observe what happened. I observed that the dot had turned into a big blob and as well it changed colors. For example i have put a green dot on the piece of paper and when I took out of the water it turned into a green, yellow, blue blob. This is because the color green was made for the blue and yellow hue. Thus, means that yellow and blue are more of polar colors.

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